Should you go organic during pregnancy?
Organic food may seem like a trend, but many experts suggest that women consider going organic during pregnancy; if not all of the foods you eat, at least a few specific ones. By going organic, you avoid exposing yourself to the antibiotics, artificial hormones, pesticides and genetically modified feed found in many non-organic meats, produce,…
Read MoreBeing a new mommy
Everyone feels stressed from time to time and parents are no strangers to this and while parenthood is one of life’s most joyous occasions it can also bring a lot of work and challenges, especially when dealing with a newborn. Everything is new for both the baby and the mom, even with all the books…
Read MoreInfertility
According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 6 million women in the United States are infertile, and over 9 million use some kind of infertility service. A series of research papers regarding infertility published in the world-renowned Journal Of Vertebral Subluxation Research suggests that chiropractic adjustments, performed by chiropractors to address nerve interference…
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